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Armouring solution 3

Protective solution made with metallic and textile composite to cope with fragment projectile FSP (20 mm – 54g) at 1600 m/s (STANAG 4569 norm)

Several textile composite solutions have been made with several layers of 3D warp interlock fabric using para-aramid yarns.

The 3D warp interlock fabric architecture is:

3D warp interlock A – L 4-2-8 Binding {Diagonal 5-4 warp effect}{1 9 17- 2 10 18 – 3 11 19 – 4 12 20 – 5 13 21 – 6 14 22 – 7 15 23 – 8 16 24 – #}.

The cross section views of the textile composite solutions have revealed the delamination between 3D warp interlock fabric layers at different impact speeds up to 1600m/s.


Provost B. Développement d’un tissu balistique contre les fragments à haute vitesse. Projet de fin d’études. Saint Louis, France: ISL; 2009.

Provost B, Boussu F, Coutellier D, Vallee D, Rondot F. New 3D warp

interlock composite for armouring of vehicles. In 4th RMUTP International Conference: Textiles & Fashion; 3-4 July 2012; Bangkok, Thailand.

Provost B, Boussu F, Coutellier D, Vallee D, Rondot F, Nussbaum J.

Armouring solutions against high velocity impact using 2D laminates and 3D warp interlock composites. Journal of Industrial Textile. Apr 1, 2014; 43(4).

Provost B, Boussu F, Coutellier D, Vallee D, Nussbaum J, Rondot F.

High velocity impact on different hybrid architectures of 2D laminated and 3D warp interlock fabric composite. EPJ Web of Conferences. 2012; 26.

Provost B, Boussu F, Coutellier D. 2D and 3D warp interlock

composites under high velocity impacts. In 4th World conference on 3D fabrics and their applications; September 10th – 12th, 2012; Aachen, Germany.

Provost B, Boussu F, Coutellier D. 2D laminated and 3D warp

interlock fabric under high velocity impact. In ICCE-19: 19th Annual International Conference on Composites or Nano Engineering; July 24-30, 2011; Shanghai, China.

Provost B, Boussu F, Coutellier D, Vallee D, Rondot F, Nussbaum J.

Études des différents dommages causés par un impact haute vitesse sur des composites à renforts 2D et 3D. In Rencontre du Groupe de Travail MécaDymat, Comportement et rupture des matériaux sous sollicitations dynamique; Du 3 au 4 mai 2012; Lyon, France.

Provost B, Boussu F, Coutellier D, Vallee D, Rondot F, Nussbaum J.

Comparison of damages on 2D and 3D warp interlock fabric due to high velocity impact. In Mechanics of Nano, Micro and Macro Composite Structures; 18-20 June 2012; Politecnico di Torino, Italy.

Boussu F, Provost B, Coutellier D, Vallee D, Rondot F. New 3D

textile composite hybrid solutions against high velocity impact. In SAMPE Tech 2012; October 22-25 2012; North Charleston, SC, USA.

NATO Standardization Agency (NSA). STANAG 2920 (Edition 2) –

Ballistic Test Method for Personal Armour Materials and Combat Clothing. Norm. Brussels, Belgium, 2003.

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